Ring of Sun & Saturn

The line encircling the ring finger is known as the "Ring of Apollo." It begins between the ring and middle fingers and curves towards the ring and little fingers. In simple terms, it's a circular line located at the base of the ring finger, covering the entire Mount of Apollo. Most hands do not possess the Ring of Apollo; it is exceedingly rare. This ring is indicative of hindrance and frustration to natural reactions and optimistic tendencies, with limited appreciation for art and beauty. It hinders creativity. Image. ... The lines that emerge from the middle of the middle and ring finger and form circles under the finger of the sun. It is called the ring of the sun, often this ring is incomplete. Often there are very short lines. Which sometimes cut the sun line. If it does not cross the sun line then it is okay otherwise it is a hindrance in your honor. It is an objection to your inherited property when this line cross sun line. It is usually very rare to see. T...