Finger and its nature

Fingers: Fingers are delicate parts . They do the fine job for humans. To write any text or draw a picture you depend on fingers. Fingers are used in sign language. They disclose important trait of persons. Fingers are last point where brain communicate. Fingers are far from mind so they are more free than other part of human body. Brain took time to control the fingers. If a person is in tense or not in comfort zone he moves his fingers more. Some time we are sitting in a public place and not free to move. In that case we play with our fingers. Most of the time people play with rings on their fingers, if he is not feeling good , tension, some fancy idea in his or her mind. Fingers are divided into three parts. most of the time there are two horizontal line on fingers. These horizontal line separate the material , mental and psychic parts of fingers. First Long fingers are good for imagination ,short fingers are for aggressi...