Nature of heart line

According to astrology, every line in the hand has its own unique meaning, it is a symbol of the flow of life. Every line represent some environment and specific nature of event.
Lines highlight your qualities of certain nature. That nature developed due to circumstances and condition produce by those lines. A line can be (clear, broken, fade etc).
Broken and not clear lines can have a bad effect on a person's life. Clear and straight lines are proof of a person's success. 

Every line has its own meaning, every line explains the event. Let's talk about one of the most important line of the palm. This line is heart line. We get the information about  heart , emotion and material approach of an individual.

The heart lines provide an overview of our life activities. By the way, the hand does not depend only on heart line.  Shape of hand and its type and skin is important. skin can be soft or hard. Finger length and size of thumb is crucial. Length of thumb and ratio of fingers length with palm is important too.

In the hand of Nelson Mandela. Its beauty is its heart line.

  1.  There is an amazing balance in the heart line, and there is no break from anywhere. Nor is there any decrease in the circular balance of the line.
  2.  His life is dedicated to others, a feeling of satisfaction in the heart.
  3.  This circular line is a sign of spiritual peace and spirituality. It is a symbol of victory and balance over the sensual pleasure.

  1.  Here the curvature of the heart line is very less. 
  2. This is a mark of intense attraction on senses of pleasure and enjoyment of luxury. 
  3.  Whenever the heart line is like this. Person wishes for wealth and happiness and attracted towards sensual pleasure. If mount of Venus and high mount of mars are high it will increase the sensual activities 


  1. How can I send my hand photo that you can tell about my future?

    1. You can drop me an email on


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