Does the lines of the hands really tell the future?

Meaning of Palmistry is  "study of the hand in it entirety". Study of palmistry is divided into two section. The twin science of  cheirognomy and  cheiromanancy.  
  • Cheirognomy : The first one deals with the shape of hand and fingers, and relates to the hereditary influence of character and disposition: shape , size ,colour , rough or smooth hand are linked with hereditary.  
  • Cheiromanancy : the second to the lines and marking of the palm, to the events of past, present and future. Lines are marked on hand and changes into a person life after certain time. 

Humans are more attracted to all this in curiosity and misery. I am a curious and  interested in astrology and palmistry. Therefore, I am writing an answer. According to my opinion the following are the main points.

  1. Human palm and lines on palm show character and intelligence of human being and from this point of view, the conduct and character of a person is formed. This character and attitude influence the fate of humans.
  2. The lines on palm also throw light on your surroundings and how support you have or how you were raised. This factor plays a major role in success and failure.
  3.  There is a dilemma in palmistry. Sometimes the lines of the hands change. Change in line can happen any time but  most of the time it occur during 40-50 year of age. This happen with  supporting lines. The supporting lines of the hand often disappear by 45–50 years. due to this fortune telling mistakes happen  partially or completely wrong prediction. 
  4. The things that do not change in the hand are the shape of the hand and the main lines (life, heart), but their subsidiary lines change or disappear by 50 years.
  5. I have often seen changes in the brain line. Its subsidiary line starts to change by 45 -50 years. Which you don't even know. This is very important. Therefore, the attitude of human beings often changes after 45–50. After this person changes his priorities and likes and dislikes. 
  6. The auxiliary lines of the fate line often change  and any comment on fate makes it difficult. Therefore while checking the line of older peoples we should validate the event from heart and life life very carefully.
  7. The things that are fixed at hand are 
    1. Hand size and palm being soft and rigid. It is unlikely to change. 
    2. Man's fingers and his flexibility. 
    3. The shape and flexibility of the tooth Knuckles (phalanges) on fingers

Three parts of fingers are fixed. Top most is spiritual world , middle is mental world and lower most is physical world. If top most phalange is long, it reflect a person is spiritual and have ability to understand and feel the world in spiritual way. He love peace and calm nature. 


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