
Showing posts from September, 2020

Significance of the letter M on palm?

M shape is important. It formed with four main line of palm. 1. Life 2. Mind 3. Fate 4. Heart  This shape formed when head line is linked with life line in the beginning and heart line is well formed and have proper length at least touches the heart line  If M shape is well formed in the lines of your palm, it reflect special quality in you.  Astrologers have their own opinions about M sign in the palm. For those people who are interested in occult science, this M mark is interesting and important to understand. The M sign on the palm is a very auspicious sign for wealth and love. The fate line draws upwards from the wrist and carries(cutting) the head line and the heart line, forming the M sign along the lifeline, head line, and heart line. Let us know what are the benefits of having M in the palm- People with such a symbol are usually strong entrepreneurs and ambitious targets, such individuals work hard to dream and never give up without achievement. Hence ...

क्या नरेन्द्र मोदी बाएं हाथ से ज़ियादा काम करते हैं?

नरेंद्र मोदी का प्रधानमंत्री के रूप में दूसरा कार्य काल है।  जैसी  परिस्थिति अभी है। उनकी लोकप्रियता में कोई कमी नज़र नहीं आती है। जो हालात और हवा का रुख है उसके आधार पर नेरेन्द्र मोदी तीसरी बार भी भारत के प्रधानमंत्री बनते नज़र आते हैं। मोदी जी के हाथ क्या कहते है , अगर इस पर विचार करें तो , कुछ अलग ही व्यक्तित्व नज़र आता है।  नेरेन्द्र मोदी जी के दोनों हाथों की मस्तिष्क रेखाओं में गंभीर अंतर नज़र आता है। यह एक आम बात है अक्सर दोनों हाथों में रेखा अलग-अलग होती है। इस तरह की स्थिति में जातक अधिक परिश्रमी और जीवन का अधिक अनुभव प्राप्त करता है।  यह अंतर जातक के वैचारिक संघर्ष या विपरीत परिस्थितियों में शिक्षा ग्रहण करने का चिन्ह भी है। मोदी जी के दोनों हाथों में ह्रदय रेखा थोड़ा छोटी नज़र आती है । यह इंसान को अधिक सांसारिक वस्तुओं से प्रेम और सांसारिक जीवन के प्रति आकर्षण  लेकिन एक निराशा भी  जीवन में दिखाती है। एक खास बात जो प्रधानमंत्री को निस्वार्थ जीवन की ओर ले कर जाती है वो है उनकी उंगलियों के भौतिक वाले पोर छोटे है। जो भौतिक जगत से विरक्ति भी दिखता है। यह एक ...

Does the lines of the hands really tell the future?

Meaning of Palmistry is  "study of the hand in it entirety". Study of palmistry is divided into two section. The twin science of  cheirognomy and  cheiromanancy.   Cheirognomy :  The first one deals with the shape of hand and fingers, and relates to the hereditary influence of character and disposition: shape , size ,colour , rough or smooth hand are linked with hereditary.   Cheiromanancy :  the second to the lines and marking of the palm, to the events of past, present and future. Lines are marked on hand and changes into a person life after certain time.  Humans are more attracted to all this in curiosity and misery. I am a curious and  interested in astrology and palmistry. Therefore, I am writing an answer. According to my opinion the following are the main points. Human palm and lines on palm show character and intelligence of human being and from this point of view, the conduct and character of a person is formed. This charac...

The Three Bracelets or Rascette lines

In palmistry one interesting fact about person's health and bearing a child is checked by three lines on the wrist. Every hand has some lines at the base or wrist. In palmistry we generally refer it with  bracelets on the wrist of the palm. Most of the individual has three Bracelets. In hindi we call them Manibandh lines(मणी बंध रेखा) . Initially I have not given much attention on three lines at the wrist. The three bracelets.  Later on I realized a very important and peculiar point is linked with one of them, I have noticed the first bracelet which is nearest to the hand contain vital information about weakness in relation to the internal organ of the body - as , in the bearing of children. when it rose in the shape of an arch. I always observe mainly the condition and placement of the first bracelet, the one nearest the hand and that when I saw it high on the wrist , almost rising into the palm, specifically when it rose in the shape of an arch. This ...

Nature of heart line

According to astrology, every line in the hand has its own unique meaning, it is a symbol of the flow of life. Every line represent some environment and specific nature of event. Lines highlight your qualities of certain nature. That nature developed due to circumstances and condition produce by those lines. A line can be (clear, broken, fade etc). Broken and not clear lines can have a bad effect on a person's life. Clear and straight lines are proof of a person's success.  Every line has its own meaning, every line explains the event. Let's talk about one of the most important line of the palm. This line is heart line. We get the information about  heart , emotion and material approach of an individual. The heart lines provide an overview of our life activities. By the way, the hand does not depend only on heart line.  Shape of hand and its type and skin is important. skin can be soft or hard. Finger length and size of thumb is crucial. Length of thumb and ratio of finge...